1. As incoming Chair of the Section, what are
your priorities or goals for the Section this year? Are there ways in which the Section members
may be able to help you achieve these goals?
My major priority is to assure
that Section members realize the benefits of their membership. This can only be accomplished through the
various committees and their leaders.
While achieving this priority, we can retain members as well as attract
new members and recognize the diversity that they can bring to the Section.
2. Are there any ongoing projects or initiatives
that you are particularly interested in developing further or publicizing to
Section members?
Regulatory reform and
international regulatory cooperation are two issues that we will focus on this
year. The activity in the Supreme Court
and Congress with respect to agency regulatory practice is an area that Section
members must be aware of and be provided with some opportunity to have input regarding
proposed interpretations of existing law and the creation of new law. In addition, I believe that the increasing
internationalization of regulated conduct will affect many agencies. Therefore our Section needs to keep abreast
of these issues. We have two committees
that focus particularly on international issues and they will present programs
at the Fall Conference and throughout the year.
3. What advice might you give to lawyers or law
students interested in being more involved with the Section? Perhaps you could explain why you joined the
ABA and this Section.
There are lots of opportunities
for participation. A list of our
committees can be found at http://www.americanbar.org/groups/administrative_law/committees.html. Anyone who wants to be involved can contact
me at annashavers.aba@gmail.com. Involvement with the Section can be very
rewarding. As a professor, I find that the
unique opportunity to discuss administrative law issues with agency lawyers,
judges, lawyers in private practice, as well as other professors enriches my
understanding in ways that I could not accomplish otherwise. While there are other organizations where these
groups interact, it is our Section that provides this opportunity for anyone
who is an ABA member. The Section also provides an opportunity to create great
4. What do you think are the biggest challenges
facing administrative law practitioners? How could the Section assist attorneys
with these challenges?
Managing the information now
available because of the increasing use of technology presents a challenge to
administrative law practitioners. An
administrative law practice requires decision making and decision making requires
having the right information. Technology
creates massive amounts of information that practitioners must learn to
handle. The Section can assist in this
task by providing timely and reliable materials and programming.
5. What do you think is most valuable about the
Section with regards to how it can assist attorneys either in their daily
practice or in meeting the challenges of a changing legal market?
No matter how obtuse or difficult an administrative law issue is, there is an expert in the section on that issue. These experts not only help create the Section publications and programs, but they also attend Section events and discuss these issues. The experience and expertise of the Section members that is shared among Section members helps meet the challenges that present themselves in an administrative law practice.
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