What led you to a career in law? How did you become interested in studying and
teaching administrative law?
for three years when my father was stationed in Germany with the U.S. Army, and
my family lived there, I grew up in Springfield, Illinois. Our house was eight blocks from Abraham
Lincoln’s home. As a result, Lincoln’s
story and his legal career always held my interest. In addition, as Springfield is the state
capital, the process of lawmaking and politics was an everyday feature of
life. I was hooked at an early age. Law school seemed like a natural ambition for
someone with these interests.
college, I studied government, and then took a position in the State Bookstore
Division of the Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth. That Division, along with the Rules and
Regulations Division, published and sold copies of Massachusetts regulations
and other publications. Everyone came
into the Bookstore—plumbers, nurses, electricians, doctors moving into the
state, aestheticians, architects, funeral directors. After the Bookstore, I served as the Chief
Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, then in two
different Deputy Secretary positions—the Public Records Bureau, which
administers the Massachusetts public records law, and the Corporations Bureau,
which manages corporate filings and securities regulation. All the material I studied on public
administration in college started to make sense. So, after five years in that office, when I
finally went to law school, I wanted to build on what I already had learned
about the administrative process. Administrative
Law is the perfect field for someone interested in the political process,
government, and law.
What experiences with administrative or
regulatory law have you had?
law school, I clerked for the then Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme
Judicial Court and the docket certainly included review of administrative agency
decisions. I joined a firm with a
substantial health law practice, which involves a great deal of administrative
law relating to state regulatory issues, as well as matters concerning the
Medicare and Medicaid programs. Even as
a summer associate with the firm, I had worked on briefing for an appeal of a
major determination of need matter before a state agency. Subsequently, I left private practice to
teach at Boston College Law School and taught administrative law, health law,
and constitutional law, which remain in my teaching portfolio today. After teaching at BCLS for a few years, I
worked in the Clinton Administration, first in the Office of Policy Development
in the U.S. Department of Justice, and then as Deputy General Counsel of the
Department of Health and Human Services.
Both positions involved dealing with a wide variety of administrative
law and policy issues. While at HHS, I
was involved in some early work that led to the development of the HIPAA Health
Information Privacy regulations and that became a major area of focus for
private practitioners and their clients after the rules were promulgated. After leaving the government, I returned to
my former firm, and rejoined the health law practice.
As someone who has worked in both the public
and private sectors, do you have any advice for attorneys looking to transition
between the two areas? Is there a
different skill or mindset that attorneys need to bring to or develop for
government work that may not be as crucial in a more traditional litigation
practice and vice versa?
have tremendous admiration for career government lawyers who are able to adapt
to changing administrations and shifting priorities. The ability to serve the institutional
interests of the government through changing administrations is a temperamental
attribute that serves the public well.
In some ways, this ability to adapt is similar to the skill that the
lawyer in private practice needs to have in understanding the goals and
motivations of different clients.
as a government lawyer offers the potential to work on high-profile issues and
the privilege to have a concern for doing the right thing, not just present facts
or issues in the light most favorable to a client. The goal of the prosecutor is not to win, but
to seek justice. The goal of other
government lawyers is to try to shape policy and law in a manner faithful to
congressional intent and to the benefit of the public. Institutional interests and political concerns
do sometimes weigh heavily in the decisionmaking calculus, but the larger
values are always present. When I worked
in the government, I was cognizant that on any given day, there might be an
issue or a direction that I could not support or rationalize, leaving
resignation as the only responsible course of action. Happily,
the occasions giving rise to such tensions are few, but every lawyer has boundaries
he or she will not cross. In private
practice, lawyers sometimes must navigate situations in which clients act in
ways that make it more difficult for attorneys to represent them. In both government and private practice,
these situations are difficult.
what I have said, it is probably clear that I think that the “client” is a
different concept for the government lawyer than for the lawyer in private
practice. I think the concept of
“zealous advocacy” should be interpreted differently for the government lawyer
than for the lawyer in private practice.
am also reminded of process constraints every year when I teach the material on
ex parte communications and bias and
prejudgment. These materials teach the
public sector lawyer and the lawyer in private practice always to ask the
question about how the person on the other end of the communication may
perceive it before picking up the phone to make a call or meeting with a
For law students or new attorneys
considering a career in administrative law, what do you think would be a good
way of familiarizing themselves with the field?
think that this is where I am supposed to say that joining the Section of
Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice is the best way to become immersed
in many of the central issues in the field! The substantive projects and
programs of the Section offer great learning opportunities and the ability to
connect with leading practitioners and academics in the field. These people can be tremendous resources for
lawyers. On a related point, reading the
Administrative Law & Regulatory News
is a way to stay current.
students really should take a course in administrative law. To paraphrase the slogan on the Section’s tee
shirts, every field of law involves administrative law to some extent, so have
the overview is really important. The
business sections of the leading national newspapers—and sometimes the front
page—also are excellent sources of information about important state and
federal administrative actions affecting particular industries or sectors.
What advice might you give to lawyers or
law students interested in being more involved with the Section? Perhaps you could explain how and why you
became involved with the ABA and this Section.
Susman, who is now the ABA’s Director of Government Affairs, was a partner in
the law firm with which I practiced and he had been involved in the
Section. He put my name forward to the
nominating committee for a position on the Council after I left the government
and that was the beginning of my involvement with the Section. The meetings and programs are really
interesting and thought-provoking, and are useful in teaching administrative
law. Also, I enjoy the people
immensely—they are smart, creative, and welcoming. The Section provides colleagues in the field across the political spectrum and across
the various substantive administrative law fields. Section involvement also offers the
opportunity to have a role in the debate on policy issues in administrative
law. The Section is a well-respected
source for information and commentary on developments in administrative law,
and it is a privilege to be part of the Section’s policy-making process.
Outside of the law, what are your
favorite activities or hobbies?
my son went off to college two years ago, I spent a lot of time driving and
attending sporting and performance events in which he was involved. As he attends college near home, I still
attend a lot of concerts in which he is involved. It is fun, not a parental duty!
serve, or have served, on several boards for organizations that are not focused
on law: an art museum, a university
library advisory committee, an advisory board for a public policy center, and
advisory board for an institute for advanced study, the boards for the Big
Sister Association of Greater Boston, the public television and radio
organization, and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, just to name a
few. All of these organizations do
encounter interesting legal issues, but the primary focus is something
else. What keeps me sane is singing in a
community chorus—the weekly rehearsals, which can be demanding, transport the
mind and body to a different realm of discipline and, one hopes, beauty. I do like going to museums and traveling. The Section does provide the chance to travel
the U.S.—another benefit of being involved.
Suffolk University Law School has had a summer study abroad program at
Lund University in Sweden for 16 years, and I have been fortunate enough to
teach Comparative Health Law for the program three times. Teaching in Sweden has afforded me a chance
to live and work in a different country, to teach foreign students who bring
unique perspectives and critiques to the U.S. approach toward financing and
delivering health care, and to see another health care system in
since I was 9 years old, I have been baking pies. Watertown, where I
live, has a Faire on the Square, in the fall, and an apple pie contest is one
of the events. I have entered almost every year since 2001. I have
won second place once (beginner's luck), third place twice, and have won the
contest the last two years. Also, I bake triple berry pies for the
dessert for the July 4th celebration for the Swedish and American
students and faculty in the Lund summer program. I have to bring some
things from the U.S. because pies are not really a continental European
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